I promise you, body, that when I'm done with this, we'll go to bed.
Here are some shots from a bridal shoot I did this weekend. We did the session at a fantastic restaurant in Dallas called Shinsei. Then we had some saki (my first time, and a HUGE success! YUM) and some food. I've just got to plug this restaurant, people, because the food & drink was great, the staff was AMAZING, and the atmosphere is like nothing you'll get anywhere else. Thank you, Shinsei, for a wonderful time & a gorgeous backdrop! www.shinseirestaurant.com
Today's Easy Green Tip: DON'T THROW OUT USED INK CARTRIDGES! Recycle them--lots of companies take used cartridges, and some, like Office Depot, run occasional insentive programs to encourage the practice!
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Hello, again! I know, what a shock...I'm writing an entry!
I went to an event today, hosted by The Knot (you know, that little wedding magazine--ever heard of it?) It really was nice. I met a lot of cool people, who I hope to see again, soon...florists, caterers, makeup artists, etc. I met so many uber-cool people that I ran out of cards...my super-cute, brand new cards! Ah, well...I'll just have to get a few more printed up. What a fun night, though. Maybe a few of you vendors are reading this--HI!!!
This is good news for you brides and grooms out there! I am talking with several of these vendors about offering special discounts for our sweet clients! Woo hoo! I will keep you posted, as I find more out. In the meantime, feel free to contact me for more details, and I'll tell you what I know.
Also, here is some recent work. These are photos from the Pride Casino Night on August 9th, benefitting the Lone Star Ride. This is the third Pride event that I've been hired to shoot. And I must say, I LOVE shooting for Pride! These events are SO fun. Jaga Meyers has done a FANTASTIC job putting on these events, and I do so hope she keeps inviting me back to photograph more (of course, I'll be shooting her commitment ceremony this fall--which will be amazing!) Oh! by the way, if you're interested in checking out Pride Radio, http://www.prideradiodfw.com/pages/prog/pinkparty/, where you can see a video by Maus Studios (yup--that's Kevin's little videography co., more info on that later!) and you can see my photos from Pride's first birthday! Don't forget to stream for a bit--they've got great jocks and fun, fun, fun music!
And, finally, another little green tip...this one is for the brides & grooms, and taken directly from a sheet given at the Industry Event, tonight: Give favors like soy candles, plantable trees, or a donation to an environmental charity in your guests' names.
Wow...what a great idea! This link can help you find some charities you might like. http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.c ... tegoryid=4
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Here are some photos from a session I had with two really sweet people! Brad & Jeanette, thank you so much for a great evening. You are NATURALS in front of the camera! You'll be seeing these shots on the site, soon!
Here's another Green tip: Read this http://www.realsimple.com/realsimple/pa ... 36,00.html
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Okay, I'll just have to come to terms with the fact that I'm not a great blogger. Maybe someday I will be...we shall see.
Here's what I've been up to...to a certain degree...
Shot a few portrait sessions...good stuff...happy people...
Made plans with one of my favorite photogs in the region, Dee Jones, to pair up & work together on some weddings...toyed with the idea of someday opening a studio together...
Worked the Heritage Festival at my church (photos below)
Enrolled my boys in Hip Hop, Creative Movement, & Tumbling class because they want nothing more in life (at the moment) than to be the Jabba Wockeez (is there anyone else out there who watches America's Best Dance Crew?)
Attended an '80's themed b-day party, to which I wore my hair HUGE!!!!
Decided to revamp my wedding structure (prices and packages...still working on that.)
Tried a few new exotic recipes---DISASTEROUS.
Photos are below...today's eco-friendly tip is another simple one...and becoming easier to do all the time...purhase some reusable bags at Walmart or Tom Thumb or Target. They're now offered all over, and using them can really reduce the amount of plastic used in shopping bags. A lovely lady whose wedding I'll be shooting this fall contacted me re these easy-green tips. She wrote to tell me she was excited about my working her wedding (which was such a sweet compliment) and to say that she & her fiance are always sure to turn off the air conditioner before they leave the house. Woo-Hoo! Thanks, Sarah!
Recent work: Heritage Festival & little Chez
And one more, just for fun...Kevin & me in our 80's gear...
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That's me! I haven't blogged in a month! It's been a busy one, and I've had some minor issues with my site (which appear to be resolved) so I've just not thought to blog.
I had to do this, today, though, in the hopes that I can appeal to your charitable side, again. We're all aware of the horrifying disaster in China. Thousands and thousands were killed in the recent earthquake, and many more injured. What just had me in tears, though, was watching a news report of the frightened little children who've been orphaned. I saw little faces of boys and girls who are just so alone...it absolutely broke my heart. I can't help but imagine my own sweet boys in the same situation--and how absolutely terrified they would be. God, I just cried my eyes out. So, Kevin and I have made a donation to try to help, and we hope that you will, too. There are many ways to donate, but we went the World Vision route. Here's a link. I hope you can help... www.worldvision.org/Worldvision/eappeal.nsf/egift-disaster-response-china-quake-relief?OpenForm&campaign=11365595&cmp=KNC-11365595
Now for the real reason for this blog which I'm not keeping up...photos.
Here are some shots from a couple weddings I did recently. Sorry it's taken so long to get up.
First, the Le's. This is a super sweet couple who really have what it takes to make a marriage last, in my humble opinion--a deep friendship. Thanks for letting me photograph your big day! AND thanks for dinner! Yum!
Now, another lovely couple. Tori & Ryan. We've become friends since they hired me, over a year ago, and I'm so, so glad that I got to shoot their wedding! Thank you for trusting me with this, guys, and I'm so happy you enjoyed the pictures!
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