So, this Earth Day, I ask that every person reading this watch An Inconvenient Truth ...even if you're not a Gore fan. I watched it out of curiosity about a year ago, and it's made such an impact on me. Yes, it's depressing. But as adults, we know that we need to take our medicine, and it doesn't always taste good. Watch the movie, get your friends & relatives to watch the movie--and don't turn it off when it gets uncomfortable. Sit through it & let it make its mark on you. I truly believe that if every person watched this movie & took its message to heart, there would be a great shift, in the right direction, for this planet. Check this out, too,
FYI: I use envelopes made of partially recycled materials for my slim-line cards, and am working towards more recycled materials in my products. Also, I do not over-package my products, using only what packaging is necessary to give your beautiful finished product to you. No, this is not as pretty as it could be, but I'm sure my clients will appreciate that they, too, this way, will use less paper and plastic products. I'd love to hear your opinion on this...would you prefer to have pretty packaging for your prints or somewhat ugly, more environmentally-friendly packaging? Honestly! Please leave a comment!
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