So, this Earth Day, I ask that every person reading this watch An Inconvenient Truth ...even if you're not a Gore fan. I watched it out of curiosity about a year ago, and it's made such an impact on me. Yes, it's depressing. But as adults, we know that we need to take our medicine, and it doesn't always taste good. Watch the movie, get your friends & relatives to watch the movie--and don't turn it off when it gets uncomfortable. Sit through it & let it make its mark on you. I truly believe that if every person watched this movie & took its message to heart, there would be a great shift, in the right direction, for this planet. Check this out, too,
FYI: I use envelopes made of partially recycled materials for my slim-line cards, and am working towards more recycled materials in my products. Also, I do not over-package my products, using only what packaging is necessary to give your beautiful finished product to you. No, this is not as pretty as it could be, but I'm sure my clients will appreciate that they, too, this way, will use less paper and plastic products. I'd love to hear your opinion on this...would you prefer to have pretty packaging for your prints or somewhat ugly, more environmentally-friendly packaging? Honestly! Please leave a comment!
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Well, it always takes me too long to post entries, here. But I know a bride who would LOVE to get a sneak peek at her wedding photos! are just a few!

And here's another easy Green tip: Turn down your air-conditioning/heat when you leave the house. It's an enormous and useless waste of energy--and doing this will save on your bills, too. Woo-hoo! That's good for everybody!
** Just a friendly reminder: It is unlawful to use any images from this site without the express permission of the photographer.
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I've decided that I'm going to start posting short entries with EASY ways to help this great planet of ours. I mean easy . Lots of people don't think they have the energy or the time to make Green choices, but if everybody made teeny little changes in their day-to-day habits, it's amazing what a huge impact there will be!
Today's Easy Green Tip: Unbelievably easy...use gift bags instead of wrapping paper.And save the bags you receive your gifts in to reuse! This is NOT tacky! I absolutely can't stand seeing gift wrap that was applied to a present just an hour ago ripped off and thrown out. What a terrible waste! Consider putting a note in your gift bag to encourage the recipient to reuse the bag & save a tree!
***Jane Maus Photography has made a pledge to not over-wrap prints and to use recycled materials when possible.
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I know, I know. I'm very bad about adding entries as often as I should. But here are a few shots from the Arb, that I got recently.
BEAUTIFUL families. Wonderful people. Adorable children...soon to be posted on the site, .


** Just a friendly reminder: It is unlawful to use any images from this site without the express permission of the photographer.
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If you've never been to the Dallas Arboretum, I can't stress enough: GO THERE! It is beautiful beyond words. I love bringing my camera there. I think it just might be my very favorite place in Dallas.
Now's a great time to go. Dallas Blooms! All the gardens are bubbling over with blossoms & bulbs in every color you can imagine. But I've been there in the dead of winter and been blown away by the beauty of moss on the stone walls. No matter what time of year, and what the weather is like, the arboretum is a lovely place to spend an hour or two or's a guaranteed pleasant experience.
Here are a few shots I've gotten at the Arboretum, that really show its versatility as a backdrop.




** Just a friendly reminder: It is unlawful to use any images from this site without the express permission of the photographer.
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