The approach of April means something else, as well...a new monthly special!
So, any client booking a portrait session in April will receive 10% off their print order! Woo-hoo! April is already filling up, so if you want to take advantage of this offer, contact me soon--there are only a couple more spaces.
Have a wonderful day, & thanks for checking out the blog!
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I really love shooting musicians. And the people in this band were so sweet & funny—so enjoyable to work with! This is Miss Tammy Kay and her band (including Jimmy Lee Reeves, who’s a great Texas blues musician in his own rite.) Check them out at ... =249765427 . As Jimmy pointed out, it’s surprising to see that Miss Tammy Kay’s tough, gritty voice comes out of this cute little lady! I’m so happy to have met these folks, to have had the opportunity to photograph them, and to have had the chance to hang out with them & swap some stories.
Here are a few of my favorite shots from the session. Oh—and by the way—a big thanks to the Dubliner on Lower Greenville for letting me do this shoot there. Check this place out--along with a truly comfortable atmosphere and friendly staff, they’ve got a really good menu…not your typical bar fare.

** Just a friendly reminder: It is unlawful to use any images from this site without the express permission of the photographer.
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Here is why I love this baby...
1. He looks SO much like my sweet little nephew who I adore.
2. When I walked in the door for the shoot on Sunday morning, he just looked so cute & cuddly I couldn't resist asking to hold him. The second he was in my arms he cuddled up & laid his precious little head on my shoulder--melting my heart instantly.
3. He was a total sport...super sweet & patient throughout his shoot, despite missing a nap, earlier. What a guy!
4. Just look at him. Who wouldn't love him?

** Just a friendly reminder: It is unlawful to use any images from this site without the express permission of the photographer.
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I read, not too long ago, advice from an awesome photographer. He wrote that to be a great photographer, one must know when not to click the shutter. I agree. But, come on…when photographing adorable little things like this, how can I stop myself? I am currently in the most difficult part of the photographic process, for me, with this shoot…weeding through my shots and looking for gold.
Little Angel Baby, here, gave me too much gold. It’s taking me forever to narrow down these shots and find some favorites to show Mommy. What to do…what to do…
Here’s the tip of the iceburg.

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Last week I had the opportunity to work with some really cool people! They were a band called Stalled, and they ROCK! They were all so fun to work with--even their "roadies"! You can check out their music & get updates on their shows at
Thanks, guys, for a great time. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and I hope you get lots of use out of your new band pics. These are some of my favorite shots from the session.
On another note: don't forget that I'm offering free portrait sessions through Feb 17th, so if you haven't already made an appointment to take advantage of this deal, contact me soon to reserve your date!

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